6 Tips To Having a Healthy Relationship with Technology

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I recently purchased an iPad with the hopes that becoming increasingly tech-savvy would save me time with work stuff and eliminate the waste of frivolous paper-copies. My partner and I were “going digital”! All great stuff, until I stumbled upon Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja (the iPad was for work – I swear!).

After a few weeks of being obsessed with my new gadget, my wife was becoming increasingly irritated (my wife is one of the most easy-going people I know) at her husband who was now non-present and all consumed with finding the next great app and frantically responding to emails at every free second.

I was struck at how easy it was to become engrossed with my new toy (I mean – business tool!) and I knew things were going sideways when I, shamefully, found myself hurriedly trying to fumble through shutting down or hiding my iPad when I could hear her coming home. Really? Sadly, yes! I was obsessed and I realized my devotion to my new piece of technology was becoming a not-so-great distraction from my relationship and myself.

Later that week, I was out to dinner and as we sat at the table, I peered through the restaurant and I was stunned by all the people starring intently, or keying away rigorously into their smart phones. Texting, playing games, solving puzzles, etc. Sadly, no one was talking to each other. For one family of five sitting close to us, 4 of the family members were using their phones. That saddened me, because I could sense how disconnected and isolated they were from one another.

The verdict is still out whether or not technology can be an addiction, but regardless, like any other addiction, we know technology can serve as a distraction from our ourselves and it can get in the way from having meaningful connections with others. If you’re finding yourself spending large quantities of time being distracted by technology, I encourage to try implementing portions of the below list. I’m still working on it…

1. Take Baby Steps.

We don’t need to do an all-or-nothing; I’m throwing my phone in the river thing. Start small, and work through the anxiety of withdraw by experimenting with short periods of inaccessibility. Although it may feel like you’re life is going to come to an end without your gadget, I promise it won’t.

2. Try Making Saturday a Sabbath.

The weekend is a great time to cut off email and cell phone usage. For many, not having access to your phone for one day will offer you a much-needed refill of mental space so you can be more productive on other days.

3. Set limits.

Set predetermined times throughout your day to check emails and voicemails. For example, commit yourself to checking email and voicemail 3 times per day – that’s it. 9am, 1pm, and 5pm, or whatever works best for you.

4. Eliminate the Non-Essentials.

Lose the RSS feeders and other monthly subscriptions like that blog on perfecting your golf swing. Chances are, they’re just filling your inbox and you’re probably not even reading them.

5. Ask for Help.

Just like any other road to change, we need help along the way. Don’t try to accomplish this by yourself, instead ask a trusted friend or spouse to help keep you accountable to your new limits and boundaries.

6. Learn Moderation & Look Within.

Technology is not bad; it’s a great thing. But like many other things in life, too much can be soul-draining and damaging to us. Play around with introspective ideas and try to get at some underlying reasons why you may have a hard time putting down and taking a break from your technology. Perhaps you fear disappointing someone if you’re not “always” responsive? Or perhaps you feel lonely and using your phone is a distraction against those feelings? Or any other different reasons that may be more applicable to you.

Let me know if this blog feels helpful, or not, and feel free to email with any questions you may have! If technology has become a source of frustration in your family, please reach out to us and we can help you create a family plan on how to use technology for it’s benefits without feeling like it’s stealing your family![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Schedule an Appointment Today >>” style=”outline” shape=”square” color=”inverse” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftheretreatcounselingcenter.com%2Fcontact%2F||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_posts_slider count=”All” interval=”10″ thumb_size=”full” posttypes=”post”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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