The Best Valentine’s Day Gift of All

Valentines’ Day is a holiday that many people don’t take too seriously, but you simply can’t avoid it all together and do nothing, or else you’d be in big trouble with your loved one. So, we typically don’t pay much attention to the holiday until the week before (or a few days before) as our […]
What We Need to Consider About Addiction

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I recently sat through a lecture on addiction presented by a woman who marketed herself as an industry-expert on the subject of chemical dependency. About ¾ of the way through her lecture, she said something provocative that really piqued my interest. This is what I heard: “The worst form of denial is believing that your […]
6 Tips To Having a Healthy Relationship with Technology

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I recently purchased an iPad with the hopes that becoming increasingly tech-savvy would save me time with work stuff and eliminate the waste of frivolous paper-copies. My partner and I were “going digital”! All great stuff, until I stumbled upon Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja (the iPad was for work – I swear!). After a […]
Why Setting Boundaries Is So Difficult

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I was recently preparing a lecture on the topic of Boundaries that I intended on giving to families struggling with addiction / alcohol issues. Part of our work as therapists and counselors is educating the community on issues that lead to people struggling emotionally. As I was gathering information on the topic from famous psychology […]
3 Things You Need to Know About Your Emotionally Unavailable Man

If you’re interested in reading this blog, chances are you’re in a relationship with someone you find to be emotionally unavailable. Great. I’m glad you’re here. By the end of this blog, I’m certain you’ll have a different perspective on your man. You’ll probably feel a little more hopeful about the future too. I take it you might […]
What you Need to Know about How COVID 19 Impacts Marriage

If you’re married, then might have experienced a challenging time over the last few months with the advancement of COVID-19. For many people, the COVID-19 experience has become a traumatic event triggering heightened emotional stress responses, i.e., flight & flight. Whenever couples are experiencing fight & flight stress responses in a relationship, it can feel […]
5 Critical Questions to Assess Your Relationships
I recently met with a client for individual counseling who was struggling with some substance abuse issues. During the initial interview, I inquired into the nature of his relationships. It’s been my experience, that most people struggling with addiction challenges are often disconnected, isolated, and desperately lonely, even when they do not necessarily know they […]
5 Strategies For A Thriving Marriage with Young Children

Having a happy and healthy marriage is a huge accomplishment when we have young children in our families. According to marital satisfaction survey’s, couples seem to be least happy in their marital life span when a child under the age of 5 is present in the home. This is a tough time for nearly all […]
5 Reasons Why Good Friends Are Critical for New Fathers
I recently read a research article that said: 20% of expectant and new fathers did not have 4 people in their lives they could confide in. That’s a significant statistic! 2 out of every 10 new Dads have limited support systems at a time in their lives when they’re likely needed most. Our Culture Unfortunately, […]
3 Must-Have Outlooks for a Great Marriage

The internet is full of marriage advice. How to be a perfect wife. How to be a better husband. How to have a great sex life. Blogging is not in short supply from people offering their perspective on what makes marriages work, and what doesn’t. Some of this advice is really great! But some of […]