What Hindus Can Teach Us About Marriage

MAYBE THERE’S SOMEONE BETTER OUT THERE FOR ME Inevitably, when relationships become stressed and challenged, we may begin to think there might be someone better out there for us – that maybe we just married the wrong person for us.   We know we love our partner, but sometimes they can be so frustrating and […]

Celebrating Our Spouse With As Much Enthusiasm As We Celebrate Our Kids

I recently went to a friends baby’s 1st birthday party…it was quite a celebration.  And rightfully so – celebrating our babies and their milestones are part of the joy of being a parent.  There were lots of gifts, kisses, family, friends, toys, great food and drinks – all in honor of the little-one turning 1! […]

Redefining Success: Investing in Your Children in Your 30s and 40s

Introduction: In a world where success is often equated with financial gain and professional accomplishments, many high achievers view their 30s and 40s as the prime years for amassing wealth and climbing the corporate ladder. However, in the relentless pursuit of monetary success, are we neglecting what truly matters? Are we sacrificing precious moments with […]

The Unrealistic Expectations of the Modern Husband

The 21st century is a confusing time for many men. Many men are lost as to what their roles are supposed to be in the world at large and on the home front. Things were simpler in years past when roles and expectations of the husband were more clearly defined. Husbands of the past were […]

4 Ways To Feel More Peaceful Right Now

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed is one of the most difficult feelings in all of life. And now more than ever, we are all feeling these feelings to one degree or another. If you are feeling anxious right now, I want you to know that you are not alone. The world is experiencing a collective trauma. […]

6 Tips To Help With Depression

Depression can feel like a scary word. Sometimes, when we hear someone talk about being depressed we think of someone that is suicidal, or can’t get out of bed. Although being severely depressed can look like that for some people, depression for most doesn’t look as severe. But even if we’re not feeling suicidal and […]

Mental Health Wellness Tips For Quarantine

Great information for anyone struggling with our current quarantine and social distancing situation. MENTAL HEALTH WELLNESS TIPS FOR QUARANTINE Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care. Dress for the social life you want, […]

Why Being “Selfish” is Sometimes Healthy

Perusing the marriage help section of your local bookstore will introduce you to many authors writing about the need for being “sacrificial” in your marriage – or putting your partner first. Makes sense right?! “Marriage experts” on the Internet are generally writing the same thing too: To have a happy marriage, put your partner first. […]

4 Essentials to Setting Healthy Boundaries

As the summer is beginning to wind down, and wanting to take advantage of the remaining great weather, I decided to take my 7 year old nephew on a camping trip. Before leaving for the trip, my sister (his mother) and I spoke on the phone and she sternly warned me: “Quinn, please be careful […]

What is Trauma?

Big-T Trauma & Small-t Trauma Blatant forms of trauma in the family include being subjected to and/or witnessing physical and sexual abuse is considered Big T Trauma. Trauma also occurs in more subtle forms—for example, living with fear on an ongoing basis, such as the fear of not knowing if or when a parent is coming […]